Feminism Ms. magazine have uploaded some of the most iconic articles to celebrate their publishing anniversary. Starkly, they prove how little in some respects world has actually changed over the past few decades. This article in particular could have been published in a broadsheet last week (give or take some pricing). It's about the labour trade in third world, and the issues dicussed and examples given demonstrate that the anti-globalisation wing of the May Day protestors may have had a case all along:
"Crudely put ... the relationship between many Third World governments and the multinational corporations is not very different from the relationship between a pimp and his customers. The governments advertise their women, sell them, and keep them in line for the multinational "johns."
Times have moved on. The piece complains that despite all of this, people are not protesting. They are now, even though you fear it might not be working ...

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