Blogging! Blogger was hacked yesterday. Don't worry if you missed it, the pace of things these days means that everything went down and came back up again within hours. Full narrative can be found at Blogroots and with Anil Dash, whose comments section feels just like Metafilter used to be ....

Of course it's an outrage that something which has offered a way of communicating globally to so many people (and changed lives I would expect) should be attacked in this way. It stank last time and it stinks now.

In an unrelated interview for Internet Magazine Ev offers a mission statement:
Blogger's mission is to help normal people express whatever it is they have to say to as large of audience who wants to listen. To help people to connect with others of interesting and like minds. And to further the Internet's promise as a tool for the democratision of media and collective intelligence.
Which is the complete opposite of hackers, who used to claim they were working for some noble purpose (bringing down dodgy corporations or governments). That sometimes had finess -- with this they're just playing with themselves ...

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