Star Wars TV Series

TV Plot of new Star Wars series announced. It's the story of the first twenty years of Luke Skywalker's life. So ...
Ext. Desert. Night.

Luke Skywalker stands on a dune outside his home looking soulful. In the distance, twin moons hang in the sky. Music swells.

[times 100]
Really George? Wouldn't The Adventures of Han Solo be more fun and wouldn't we get to see a bit more of the galaxy? Oh wait, Joss Whedon almost already did that. I can already see the episode guide for this though:
Episode One:
Luke and Biggs realise their friend Camie is more than she seems.

Episode Two:
Luke is in trouble with Uncle Owen after racing Deak.

Episode Three:
Luke discovers that Biggs has a secret.

Episode Four:
Luke loses his Imperial Starfleet draft card.

Episode Five:
Luke goes to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters.

Episode Six:
Luke visits his friend Ben Kenobi for some advice.

Episode Seven:
Luke takes a droid to Anchorhead to have its memory flushed.

Episode Eight:
(Part One) Luke gets lost in the Jundland Wastes.

Episode Nine:
(Part Two) Luke encounters some Sand People. Or worse.

Episode Ten:
(Part Three) Will the bantha tracks lead Luke to safety?

Episode Eleven:
Luke bull's-eyes a womp rat in his T-sixteen.
Unless he busts continuity, what possible interesting things could have happened to Luke in the desert? Is the intention to make Dawson's Creek in space? Because I'm not sure the fans are going to be totally on board for that.

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