Life Truth be told it's been a bit of a miserabilist kind of day. Bussed it out to Garston to take some cds back to the library and to compare their selection with the Central Music Library (lots of Vaughn Williams and Goldfrapp). I've not been to the area at the weekend for quite while and was a bit dismayed to find the place deserted. When I was a pre-teen, Garston was somewhere you'd go shopping as a special treat. But now most of the shops are closed and derelict and the only people I saw seemed to be on their way out of the place, or teenagers on bikes.

Bonk, bonk, bump. Bonk, bonk, bump. There are currently a couple of thousand people in the Sefton Park field my flat overlooks, trying as best they can to ignore the rain as the Africa Oye Festival continues. It's the kind of drizzle which is silent but relentless though, which must be dampening things a bit for them. But the music's loud enough to puncture our windows and walls and everyone actually seems to be having a good time. Thump, thump, thump. Rain, rain, rain.

Despite having a music festival but a couple of hundred metres from my front door I'm not sure if I want to go. As I've said before, I've never really gotten along with African music which I know is like saying don't like classical or country. You can't and shouldn't shut yourself off from the possibilities ever and in the nine hours of music each day, there's bound to be something I'd enjoy. And there are stalls selling interesting things. Well ok, maybe I'll trot over tomorrow afternoon. But not tonight.

Tonight's Doctor Who night, and Rose is back...

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