this blog's ninth birthday

About Last week, on the 29th July in fact, was this blog's ninth birthday. As we've discussed before, if blogs have something akin to dog years, six is retirement age, nine is one foot in the grave. That I'm not planning on stopping any time obviously means that the blog years comparison doesn't quite work, but it does offer some indication as to the longevity of feeling listless. Few blogs have carried on this long.

Popularity has ebbed and flowed with quality, I think. I still don't really know how many people read the blog. Sometimes it feels like there's only a couple of you, and sometimes I'll be in the middle of a party which is unrelated to anything online and someone will tell me they know the blog without me prompting them, which suggests thousands. I expect it's somewhere in between. Not that these things are important. Not at all.

But yes, rest assured that I'll still be here for the turn of the decade, gaia or whoever willing.  I have mad egotistical plans on how to mark it (the kind of mad egotistical plans which require at least six month's planning)  which I'll reveal over the next six months.  In the meantime, if I don't know you and you do read this blog, why not say hello and comment below? 


Matt Thomas said...

Well done Stuart! :D

Darren said...

Congratulations! Blogging for this long is a huge achievement. Looking forward to whatever you've got planned when reaching year ten! :)

Chris Allen said...

Great stuff Stuart. It's up there with the very best blogs. Keep it up!

Annette said...

Happy 9th! I'm dying to know what your "mad egotistical plans" are for next year :-).

last year's girl said...

Congrats on Year 9! I'm only beating you because I've switched blogs a few times. Here's to many more blog birthdays.

Anonymous said...

Hello and happy blogday! You made me realize that I've been blogging for seven years now, and although inspiration waxes and wanes, I somehow keep on finding more stuff to say.

Suzy Norman said...

I read your blog from time to time. I must point out I only read anyone's blog from time to time but you're on my blogroll!