Gulliver's Travels.

Books As you might expect, The Internet Archive has many editions of Gulliver's Travels and one of the more interesting is a Harcourt, Brace and Company publication from the 1920s, the introduction of which sees Ernest Bernbaum, then Professor of English at the University of Illinois argue that for all its satirical intent, Swift's book is a celebration of the human spirit:
"Gulliver's Travels, hastily termed a masterpiece of cynicism, rests on assumptions which a true cynic would deride. In each of the voyages, Swift forcefully intimates the greatness of man's soul or reason: he, like the 'Lilliputians" supposed truth, justice, temperance, and the like, to be in every man's power; and, like the Houyhnhnms, believed that "reason alone [i.e., the spiritual as well as the rational faculties] is sufficient to
govern a rational creature."

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