
Books At a time when I thought only community unrest had largely migrated to Twitter, it's heartening to read this Salon piece about protestors at Good Reads which seems to have become a bit messy in its approach and corporate since it was bought by Amazon.

Essentially it boils down the sites overlords high handedly enforcing the T&Cs of the site even on those who've effectively, voluntarily, kept the thing running whilst simultaneously not given them right to reply:
"The protesters got creative. They devised a counteraction they call “hydra-ing,” in which members reposted each other’s deleted reviews. (The practice was named after a monster from Greek mythology who would grow back two heads whenever one was cut off.) A Tumblr was created to post and discuss the deleted reviews, the shortcomings of the new initiative and the lack of clarity and consistency in how Goodreads defines “author behavior” and “off topic.” “There are plenty of ‘protected’ reviews which do precisely the same thing as being ‘off topic’ but yet remain in place,” one member wrote to me in an email about the controversy. Ceridwen undertook to contact the 21 members whose reviews had been summarily deleted to find out what sort of postings had been targeted and which books and authors they pertained to. She posted the results, complete with illuminating pie charts, to her blog. Some of the protesters are even writing their own book about the affair."

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