Kenny Bruce is not afraid...

Radio Like a good episode of the series it essayed, tonight's Project Who on Radio 2 was filled with thrills and chills. All of the talk of a second season and thirds and fourths unless something utterly silly happened (10.5 million. Do I need to say it again?) The great moment when Nick Briggs, talking about the essence of the series was interspersed with moments from each Doctor. All the talk of Gallifreyan colours in the design work. Dave Golder from SFX name checking a bunch of sci-fi which you're not likely to hear talk of anywhere else on Radio Two (not unless Ken Bruce suddenly reveals a crush on Eliza Dushka anyway).

But oh the chills, chief of which continues to be Chris Eccleston. Erm, why does he keep referring to the series in the past tense, as though its done and dusted and he's moving on to the next project? I draw your attention to the moment (I'm paraphrasing) when he says he hasn't quite come to grips with what he's done and he looks forward to sitting down in two or three years and seeing what he's done. But Chris -- if this is a success, aren't going to still be playing the part in two or three years? I keep look at the title of the final episode, The Parting of the Ways. It has a certain funerial feel to it. Are we hinting at a regeneration this early into the run? Is that going to be the big series cliffhanger? Is Chris just playing with us as a kind of misdirection, or is something else going on?

On a lighter note, I was flicking through Damaged Goods, Russell T Davies Virgin New Adventure novel and noticed that one of the main families has the surname Tyler. This seems to be a popular surname for Russell, as there was a Ruth Tyler in Revelations, Vince Tyler in Queer As Folk and a Johnny Tyler in The Second Coming. Well, Terry Nation had his Tarrant I suppose ...

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