People This article from Rolling Stone points up the dichotomy that the casts of some of America's sit-coms and dramas are the highest paid enetertainers, and yet they are entirely unable to open a film. Everyone in 'Friends' has released a film at one time or other, but none have had the ability to bring in the public solely on their appearance. Aniston in particular is quite a gifted comediene -- certainly of the whole cast her's has been the most consistent performance (even the great Lisa Kudrow can't attest to that). But in film it's been trip, misstep, trip. Why? Perhaps George Costanza was right in that episode of 'Seinfeld' -- 'What's the point in paying for what you can get for free?' Which might account for George Clooney's success -- not on TV anymore so the girls have got to get him somewhere...

Blog! Sometimes weblogs are just FUN -- and so to France where we find 'mybluehouse' daily offering something to make you smile. Broadly. Thanks for cheering me up Becky!

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