Travels with Matsui
The Beatles Anthology Vol #2
What? Mid-nineties attempt to re-invigorate interest in the fab four via the release of unused and half-finished versions of well known songs. Which here amounts to three versions of ‘Strawberry Fields’ and a bunch of like tracks from some concert in Blackpool.
First Impressions I’m from Liverpool. It’s The Beatles. Magic? Almost. Like most people I only really know the singles and the opening section of Disc One is loaded with album tracks. There is some temptation to hit the skip button. Or there would be if the music wasn’t so arrecting.
Moved? Oh yes. All over. Most of the versions on here are simple, often Paul or John with a guitar. Everything feels fresh again, stripped of all the bullshit and overpraise which has been heaped upon them. Almost in tears at the terse version of ‘Yesterday’; I can finally hear the lyrics to Penny Lane (there’s a cafĂ© called ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ now in the spot where the flower seller and I got a bad haircut in that same barbers). ‘I Am The Walrus’ is even stranger and sounds like Oasis (maybe that should be the other war around…)
Lasting Impressions Considering the way the individual musical development of the surviving Beatles, it’s probably a good thing they got out when they did. I imagine much of Paul’s career was him doing all things he couldn’t get away when John was on his shoulder.
Keep, sell, dump? Keep. This is the missing scenes DVD extras for The Beatles whole career.

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