Film I never particularlywant to meet celebrities in the traditional way. I just don't see the point in annoying them while they get their shopping or have a meal in a restaurant -- although we all adore them, for them that film or record are more of job. I just wonder how I would feel if I had to stop every five minutes for a photo or to sign an autograph. I'd much rather bump into them socially and have a chat about something unconnected with both our lives. Glen Gould used to say that they best way to find out about someone is ask them what they think of a current event or something which isn't about them. I agree. Which is why articles like this one can get a little bit under my skin -- it's a beginner's guide to hunting celebrities in their own habitat:

"Val Kilmer wore many disguises in The Saint and does so when shopping for music. Two brothers spotted him shopping at the Virgin Megastore late one night wearing a very unfashionable velvet tracksuit, glasses and long oily hair that would make Julian Clary shriek. The older brother, who noticed him first, whispered "Oh my God, Val Kilmer is standing at the end of the counter". The younger brother looked and was not convinced until the star turned and looked both of them. "I had no idea it was him until he turned around and I saw his very distinctive lips. I wouldn't have looked twice at him if my brother had not seen him first." They had the perfect opportunity to meet him and get a photo with hardly any customers around, but were too nervous and had no film in their camera."

Apart from Val Kilmer ... everyone should annoy Val Kilmer ... you see there are exceptions to all rules ...

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