Big Brother There was me all ready the write about tonight's eviction show. The big house in Elstree was evacuated tonight because of possible bomb scare. That this is probably the most eventful thing which has happened in the past few weeks, next to the Cameron shouting match in Africa demonstrates the noticable ratings plunge. Digital Spy are already speculating on what the house mate's reactions will be...
"Nush - `I feel strangely calm as if something wonderful is about to happen!!!`

Lisa - When I was in Cardiff and we had a bomb alert in the store - `trust me I know`

Scott - everyone just keep calm, we're doing fine

Gos - zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz *cough*

Ray f**k there s f**** bomb, we're all gonna F****** die. what a load of b*********!!!!!!!

Cameron - OOO a borrrrrm? My gorrrrrd a borrrrrrm u say????
RRRRReaaalllly????? A borrrrrrrrm??????
The live feed on E4 Interactive is pleasingly minimal at the moment, a night shot of the house with birdsong playing in the background. I seem to remember Channel 4 carrying a similar show when it first began...

Updated Pictures of the housemates going to the safe house. For some reason it reminds me of the accused entering court, with family and friends trying to offer their support ...

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