Life Here I am mid week and the late finishes are really beginning to stick. Apart from the freezing weather when I left work it's the fact I missed the Hutton Enquiry unfold. Apart from Alistair Campbell on Newsnight tonight offering an encore to his Channel 4 News appearance some months previously, complete with actual swearing and shouting. Emma Kennedy has said some useful things on this:
"Now, I know that the BBC are one of my employers but heebie jeebies - they didn't deserve the roasting they got today. What happened to the devastating evidence that I remember of Alastair Campbell's diaries that screamed "Get the name out" and the fact that Tony Blair oversaw a meeting where they "discussed the strategy of naming David Kelly"?
Dearnt ask anyone in the government (or who used to be) about anything now -- they'll just plonk The Hutton Report on the desk and tell them to read that. It's amazing how opposition can crumble in a day isn't?

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