Life Post Christmas blues then. All of that build up, all those shopping days out, all that careful selection of presents, all those decorations up and it's over within a few hours. We don't have a large family really so there isn't the extended excitement of more visits and more presents on all the days afterwards. My new Smoothie Maker is pretty excellent and is a great way eat fruit whilst simultaniously offering a handy alternative to water. I Ask'd Metafilter what I should spend my Christmas money on and they suggested Tivo (no longer available in the UK) or the adoption of a goriila. Thanks guys. I still don't know if a Playstation 2 is such a good idea (I mean if I want to play games I have this computer) but I don't really need anything else. I'll probably do the sensible thing as always and save the money until something inevitably conks out (my old mobile phone is looking increasingly crusty) but that just seems so boring ...

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