Life Lately there seems to have been a number of news stories stemming from someone saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and not knowing when to shut up. I'll let you fill in the blanks on what I mean. I had a similar moment of shame on the Magical Mystery Tour on Friday. We're at Arnold Grove were George was born. It's a small terraced house, just off the main street, quite anonymous looking. As I stood watching people getting their photo taken in front of the front door I started to whisper to someone I'd been sharing small talk with about a story a read in the Liverpool Echo the night before of how a group fans had wanted to put a plaque up on the wall to commemorate the place and how the house owned (who we had already seen sneaking a look at us through the curtains) hadn't been asked perm... I was interrupted by the tour guide.
"Are you talking about the plaque?" He asked.
"Yes. I was talking about the story that was in the Echo last night ..."
"I didn't read it."
I was going to stop talking but the person I was talking asked me what it was about. So I continued whispering.
"It said ... [insert gist of this article]."
About halfway though I realize that everyone is looking at me and listening. Someone else has chipped in and said that they'd read it and in a different paper. They looked at the guide as much to ask "Is this true?"
"Oh we're going to have a ceremony. Olivia's coming down and ..."
I don't know when to shut up so I ask ...
"But did you get permission from the householder?"
"Oh yes."
"But it said in the article they'd already had the ceremony." (who was I Lois Lane?)
"I didn't read the article..."
To be honest I don't know who was right. The person I was telling the story to originally before the turf war started asked me if I thought it was right. I told her I wasn't sure. But as the tour went on it became clear that the guide was a close personal friend of Paul and had even appeared in a film of the Beatles playing his best friend and with each story I sank lower in the seat. I'd been arguing the toss with someone who really should know. I spent the rest of the tour staying out of his way. And keeping my mouth shut.

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