Film Incredibly linkable article about the Internet Movie Database. I've been using it for years, even before it sold out to Amazon and it's still indispensable. But where do they their information?
"To spackle those holes, IMDB has a virtual Hollywood construction crew - spies, really - some of whom can't be identified or risk losing their day jobs. 'We get our info from disparate sources, but these contributors are our lifeblood. It's a large group of trusted users and submitters in whom we've gained a level of confidence, much like you begin to trust a movie reviewer,' Simanton says. 'It could be a professor from UCLA, the screenwriters of the film themselves, the maiden aunt of someone who died years ago. But it?s the gleaning aspect and process that really makes the IMDB what it is.'"
Plus they're quite happy to publish even the most challenging of reviews. [via]

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