Links for 2004-10-18 []

  • 1001 Self Portraits
    For the self obsessed at heart.
  • The new Doctor Who logo
    I think it will look quite good animated. I'm assuming just the texty font bit (which I like) will appear on books and things. I'm not sure how it will work otherwise.
  • First Draft Script of 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'
    Seems to feature an even more pubishing structure. But interesting to see how much survived right through to the end.
  • Being Charlie Kaufman
    Why have I not been reading this more?
  • Look At Me
    Not the Geri Halliwell track (or Carla Bruni for that matter) but a much larger version of the daily holiday snaps which I've been putting about. This one feels more like Poliakoff's 'Shooting the Past'
  • C4 rebuked for Big Brother brawl
    Can you believe this only happened in mid-July? Feels like years ago ...
  • Rent a house on Montauk Beach
    You too can be David and Ruth Laskin.
  • Liberating Mary
    "The seeds of my rescue began in the late 1970s, when I visited the gallery but couldn’t find a painting of Wollstonecraft."
  • Film of the Day: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
    Couldn't really be anything else. Probably the film of the year. Certainly, like 'Groundhog Day' one which I'll keep returning to.
  • Suw Charman on The Ladder Theory
    I don't think you're a nutter.
  • The most predictable reaction ever?
    Perhaps when our election comes around, The New York Times should repeat the exercise and get a bunch of US citizens write to the residents of Henley (or somewhere). Take that Boris!
  • Marvellous interview with Jaime Hernandez of 'Love & Rockets' fame
    You can hear it too. Why can't more websites offer this option. It seems like the perfect extension of the medium.
  • Creep de Radiohead
    'Creep .... Creep .... Creep ....' (satisfied that only one person reading this will get that in-joke. Right, let's move on.
  • Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Ad Graveyard
  • Minnie Driver
    ... develops an official website. Mixed reviews so far for the album. I think they're just stunned by the largese.
  • 1 comment:

    1. I'm glad you think I'm not a nutter. I think you might well be wrong, but it's cocklewarming nonetheless. ;-)
