Links for 2005-01-29 []

Links for 2005-01-29 []

  • notting hill carnival - a photoset on Flickr
    Excellently atmospheric
  • On TV as in Life, Presidents Don't Last
    Spoilery article about the future presidency in 'The West Wing'.
  • BBC Research & Development
    Look Around you starts again on Monday BBC Two, 10pm
  • A day in the life of Newsnight
    "I even once had to interview the world Cluedo champion, who arrived dressed as Colonel Mustard. I have a sneaking feeling that the producer responsible went on to edit the programme."
  • jonah's Melrose Drive slideshow on Flickr
    For some reason this reminds me of the opening titles to Mr Benn.
  • please don't let me be misunderstood.
    Sometimes you just want to post things without an explanation, because it isn't really needed.
  • Making the Movie...
    Never mind the picture: "A year ago, I was in Calgary, Canada, producing a six hour miniseries, a new, invigorated and expansive version of Little House on the Prairie. I am still working on it in post production..."
  • Episode III: How It Begins
    The opening crawl for the new film. War! What is it good for?
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