Only fittest to survive in Olympic team cull

The Road To Beijing Scary times for my six to watch. A major rethink is happening regarding how the British Olymic team should be run and how many athletes should be competing. It's possible that of the 500 or so atheletes who went to Athens, only 320 will survive. As you would expect, it's about money, about funding athletes who aren't likely to be winning medals. Which sort flies in the face of what I was taught in school about winning and taking part. Abi gets a mention in the ensuing paragraphs:
"Only five of the 58 athletes who had absorbed more than £10m of lottery funding produced personal bests: Kelly Sotherton (heptathlon), Ricky Soos (800m), Abi Oyepitan (200m), Christine Ohuruogu (400m) and Jade Johnson (long jump). Only one, Sotherton, claimed a medal, a bronze."
No one else gets a mention, but I've got my fingers crossed, although performances in major championships are going to be mitigating factors but it feels like a Catch 22 situation. Competing and doing well ensures funding. But funding adds a cushion to anyone who wants to compete and do well. [about]

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