Another sigh.

Film I wanted to post this full paragraph, because it captures perfectly what's wrong with modern Hollywood. So you hire a great actor and ...
Talk about moving from the ridiculous to the sublime. One of our greatest classical actors, Derek Jacobi, has just returned from Vancouver, where he has been filming the vampire versus werewolves sequel, Underworld: Evolution. He's not happy about it. "My character was the daddy of all the werewolves," he sighs, but it wasn't the subject matter that irritated him. It was, as usual, the script editing. "Any line that for me was characterful was cut. So my part ended up being completely plot and cipher." Did he at least get to wear some monster prosthetics, I ask encouragingly. Another sigh. "No, but I did at least get a hideous death."
It's a brief interview in the FT. Frequently really great actors turn up in really duff films and you know they wouldn't be prostituting themselves unless they were seriously getting paid or saw some spark in the script which was snuffed out by the time they came to film it. Neither of which explains Judi Dench in The Chronicles of Riddick ...

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