Bye Bye Mefi

Mefi I've just deleted Metafilter's RSS feed from Bloglines. It's quite a sad thing and its not for any great reason other than I've naturally stopped reading. I'm in the process of going through the feeds I read and whittle out all but the essentials. I haven't visited this site regularly for a few months and I've only been reading the feed sporadically. But I looked at it today for the first time in over a week and there is too much of it. On the 22 April there were thiry-eight posts and I don't have the time to give them all the concentration they probably deserve. So rather than let it just sit there unread I'm letting it go. I guess that any of the really good material will re-appear on the singular personal and link blog I do read. Perhaps I'll re-subscribe if Matt includes the ability to subscribe to individual subject tags ala Delicious.

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