
Film The FACT centre in Liverpool has just sent out its latest e-mailing for film times. One the films which opens this weekend, Bombon-El Perro (15), has the following description which sounds like the work of some twisted genius. I mean this is a film?
"COCO is an amiable, slightly vacant middle-aged man who has spent his entire life working in a Patagonian service station. When it closes, he finds himself out of work, unemployable and in a desperate fix. He drives around the countryside, trying to sell ornate knives, doing odd jobs, struggling, until someone gives him a mastiff, a beautiful brute of a dog, informing him that Bombon has the potential to be a successful show dog. The clueless Coco joins forces with a trainer, Walter, and the unlikely trio hit the dog show circuit. This odd, whimsical, delightful film is the sort that creates swathes of emotional resonance with the gentlest flick of the wrist. Director Carlos Sorin has to do little more than point his camera at his actors to elicit humour, absurdity or insight into the plight of a man who has never had a direction in life and now is forced to find one."
Well look you say that but speaking as a veteran of 'odd, whimsical, delightful films' I think I'll be going to see the one about the Edinburgh Festival instead.

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