Beware! Ides! March!

TV Twitch Film (p)reviews the BBC co-funded drama ROME! (I'm sure it doesn't have an exclamation mark but considering the scope ...):
"The time, 52 BC. The current political situation is calm...however, there's some rumblings in the closet about who truly has the power. You see, Caesar and Pompey are friends and through amicability, they rule side by side. Pompey the theoretically more powerful one who sits comfortably while they make statues of him, and Caesar, the war-raging leader who's been spending the past several years kicking ass all over the known world, has the respect of the Common Man. Whisperings of a power struggle are denied heavily by both sides until the wonderful world of religion/politics (technically the same thing back then) and miscommunication come into play and loyalties begin crumbling and civil war becomes imminent. (and that is where episode 2 ended.)"
Anyone else think of the Blair/Brown struggle when they read that? It does sound like an exciting series and at least it's a full on drama, not the kind of quasi-documentaries the Beeb has been broadcasting lately ...

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