Fry ... Fry ... Fry ...

Life I'm wearing a self produced Ferris Bueller t-shirt from a few years ago. On the back it says: "I've said it before and I'll say it again. Life can move pretty fast. You don't stop to look around once in while you could miss it." It's faded but I feel like I want to wear it every day between now and the induction day at University. I won't because it would smell. But those words seem really important, especially now. I finish work on Monday lunchtime and I received a letter today welcoming me to the faculty. With each of these letters from college I get a lump in my chest as though it's not real. I've a mountain of knowledge in my head which in a day and half I'll need to put to one side ready for what's been my hobby to become my vocation. It's outrageous.

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