
Psychology "Your MO for handling something that concerns you is to gather as much information about it as you can. It's a sensible strategy ... but don't be too quick to pat yourself on the back. The value of your fact-finding mission depends a lot on the kind of information you seek out. If you're worried about flying and then Google "plane crashes," you'll get dozens of results about terrible accidents, says Leahy. "But what if you Googled 'safe landings'?" he asks. "What would you find then?" It's called confirmation bias: wanting to prove your fear is real and then finding information that confirms it. No matter what your concern (the likelihood of getting the West Nile virus, the dangers of day-care centers, etc.), get into the habit of asking yourself, "Am I collecting useful information, or am I just confirming my fear?" -- Molly Lyons for Redbook

I like to think that I don't worry as much as I once did. Actually I have a worry lifecycle -- I go from abject panic to the realisation that actually if I think about it hard enough it'll actually turn out ok. In other words I don't have to hand my dissertation in for another seven weeks...

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