
Life I chanced upon the horoscope in Metro Liverpool today. It's by Wendy Bristow. This is what is said:
"As from today, your brain is working overtime. Try not to get obsessive. You know what you can be like. Strategise away, by all means. But there?s no need to walk around with a big frown on your face. It doesn?t become you."
I never read my horoscope.

I simply don't believe in them. They either apply to everyone in the category in which case they're worthless or they only apply to a percentage in which case they're equally worthless -- which is not a win/win scenario but is a decent enough rationalisation for me.

So why does this one so perfectly capture how I've been feeling and offer a way forward?

I'm a Scorpio by the way, which according to the Wikipedia means I'm:
"thought to have a complex, emotional, analytical, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character, but one which is also prone to extremity, jealousy, possessiveness, stubbornness, and cruelty. In terms of anatomy, Scorpio is said to rule the pelvis, reproductive system and urinary system."
I'm a frightening person aren't I?

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