Life Apologies for neglecting you these past couple of days. As I've mentioned this is my first full week back at my admittedly part time work and my body not to mention my brain is still getting back into the work ethic. This weekend is the first back for the other job that I began before the summer break so new procedures, new geography, new work mate. Of course it will take me a while to get used the first two and equally obviously I've already met my new colleague way back when (the late nineties would you believe) and somehow managed to remember one of the conversations we had proving once again really what a strange construct my brain is.
Speaking of which, we recently had a box of old slides converted to jpegs, most of which I haven't seen before. These include my parent's wedding pictures and a whole range of photos of me as a baby, toddler and slightly older. I've mentioned before how I have a very dim memory of the seventies, as though the rest of me is trying to pretend I was born in the early eighties (even though the bags under my eyes say otherwise). Luckily, these are almost filling in the blank spaces one piece of outrageous decor at a time. Here then is the one year old version of me giving you an unfocused wave:
Bless. And there's more from where that came from. Coming soon.
Your job details seem to get curiouser and curiouser . . .