Liverpool Life "But what about books? For me, the conclusive sign that Culture has arrived here – Culture with a big C and a big stick – is that Henry Bohn's second-hand bookshop has finally been forced to close. In a prime position just in front of the main station, it was notable not only for its choice of books but also for the consistently high standard of conversation among staff and customers."

Well that is that sad and odd to read it in an arts review from The Independent. At one time there were a fair few second hand book shops in Liverpool city centre, but with the closure of Henry Bohn, that's been reduced to one -- the shop on Mount Pleasant. Certainly there are charity shops here and there -- the Oxfam on Bold Street included, but the best of these shops are like libraries were you can buy and own the books.

If the plan for the front of Lime Street is the same as the one I saw at this presentation, they're not being replaced with more shops but instead a flat incline of steps leading up to the station designed to show off its monumental architecture -- along with a round office tower at the side whose shape seemed to have been influenced by this (although presumably without the lean).


  1. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Good, those shops are an eye sore let's be honest. Don't forget about The Amourous Cat bookshop on Lark Lane of course . . .

  2. Oh they certainly are -- I'm all for modernist architecture but in this case it just masks the glory behind. Like the G-Mex in Manchester it's the kind of ediface that deserves to breath.

    I hadn't forgotten about The AC -- I was thinking about centrally located shops though because with the exception of Bold Street it seems like all city centres Liverpool is systematically beginning to favour the chain stores at the expense of small traders.

  3. Henry Bohn was never a great bookshop, let's be honest about it, but it's still more than a little sad to see it go. The whole plan for the 'City Of Culture' does seem to be founded on the idea that Culture can be forced into being by surfeits of money...
