Politics The BBC's Justin Webb offers his reasons why Hilary failed:
"5. She failed to speak at all to the BBC."
He mentioned similar in this Guardian interview last week too and unsurprisingly I'd agree with him. US readers can feel free to correct me, but I get the impression that some Americans, tired with the lack of detail and the bias in the coverage of the likes of Fox and CNN are turning to the BBC and other UK press for their news.

An interview with the BBC would have been a classy move on Clinton's part, showing that she understands how the some people are increasingly receiving their news in her country and especially since that media didn't seem to like her too much. It might not have been the one thing to save her campaign, but it would have offered a different impression. But then, everything I know about American politics I learned from Aaron Sorkin.

1 comment:

  1. I've watched the BBC News a few times and it is about ten times better than any of the American network broadcasts. Yet (sadly) I think it is a tiny minority that watch the BBC News. It would have been nice for her to speak to the international press, though, if nothing else just to show that the next president should be less insular than the current one.

    I don't care much for Webb's other reasons, i.e. because she's a woman, she's married to Bill, and she "looked mean." TIME magazine ran an article that I think sums it up much better: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1738331,00.html
