"Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt/ Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew" -- Hamlet, 'Hamlet'

The Second, The Minute, The Hour
The Hare and the Tortoise. As clock.

Thrillingly I've had a question answered by the fictional Don Draper.
His advise is true, funny yet also depressing.

I also now have a Plurk profile.
Where do they get the name for these things?

The Kids Aren't Alright
Discussion of the rating given to The Dark Knight by the BBFC (and MPAA). I think it's a rare incorrect decision by the 'censor'. For the use of knives alone it should have been slapped with a 15 and it was pretty uncomfortable watching the film with very young children in the cinema whose parents had clearly brought them along expecting it to be a comic book film which it is but in an all too realistic sense.

Portrait of a candidate as a pile of words.
Surely the McCain campaign is going awry when the biggest word on their blog is the name of their opponent? On the Obama sheet, the oldster senator is nowhere to be seen. [via]

Joe Cornish's suggestion for the new James Bond theme tune.

Orson Welles reads the opening section of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick.
As wonderful as you'd expect, typically deep and authoritative. Footage created for a proposed adaptation of the novel which didn't really get off the ground. Nice one Unicron.

Anna Waits reviews Hamlet.
Confirms Fortinbras sighting. Anna had never seen Hamlet before but found this production lucid enough that it didn't matter. Really, really can't believe I'm missing this.

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