here we are again in manual

Jesus of Cool: Kay Hanley & the Pussycats
You mean it wasn't Rachael Leigh Cook singing as Josie but Kay Hanley from Letters To Cleo? (makes mental note should he ever appear on QI).

Costume Vs. Cosplay: What a Stormtrooper Is Made Of
This American Life style expose of the 501st Legion. If Lucas wants to include stormtroopers in the new tv series, it would be wrong not to employ these guys.

Random Acts Of Reality :: On Books And Sleep
In which Tom Reynolds offers some notes on his writing style to his publisher: "I’m particularly poor at getting lying/laying right, sorry about that. Normally I write myself around using these words but I may have missed a few."

BBC to put every publicly owned oil painting in the UK online
Further to my latest regional art gallery post is this frankly spectacular news -- I presume "placed on the internet" means digitised images, which is a massive undertaking, especially since the majority of them won't have been photographed before. I was on the phone to BBC Jobs straight away, though all they could say simply was 'watch this space'.

Kim Manners Dies
Directed some of the best episodes of The X-Files as well as 21 Jump Street and Charlie's Angels.

Monty Python's vinyl back catalogue on Spotify
Everything is there, including Matching Tie and Handkerchief, the films and Live at Drury Lane, Cheese Shop, Spanish Inquisition, Parrot Sketch, Interlude, the lot.

Will Twitter Replace Pop Criticism?
Freaky Trigger investigates. None of the results are Lester Bangs in a hundred and forty characters but they do demonstrate how passionately fans of the top 40 are even if some of us are of the opinion that pop music isn't as good as it used to be, generally because we're in our thirties and out of touch and wish All Saints were still recording.

Red Dwarf cast to be reunited
Will be shown on Dave thank goodness. I've always had a soft spot for Red Dwarf though season six was a bit rubbish. I do love seven though -- I'm probably the only person on the planet who thought Chloe Annett as Kochanski was a good idea. I hope she's back ...

blog:Cogley: Post Delicious Bookmarks to Your Blog
My web connection has been particularly flakey this past couple of days, so rather than just storing up links and then posting them all together, I'm trying out this method of posting from Delicious all at once in groups. Though I've followed the instructions, it's not working yet so here we are again in manual. I think I'll try Digg instead ...

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