the joke about Dogville

  • The Ten Most Influential Films of The Last Ten Years
  • Chooses the underrated Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Hilarity ensues in the comments. Someone misunderstands the joke about Dogville.

  • Clement Freud RIP
  • I'm still getting over the loss. Freud, like Humphrey Littleton is the kind of figure who you'd imagine would live forever and whose voice will be greatly missed from the radio.

  • You Are No Longer Here: Huge Pictorial Update
  • Insightful commentary on the Pet Shop Boys's almost unwatchable film. I managed to sell my copy at Vinyl Exchange for a tenner back in the day.

  • Your next box set: My So-Called Life
  • Nice piece though I think he's a bit harsh on Claire Danes -- I can't think of her ever giving a bad performance. It's fairly shocking to realise though that I'm probably getting up to the age of the parents. Dare I watch it again now?

  • Fox News Figures Out Why Everyone Was Laughing at...
  • Lol, rofl, etc.

  • The True Genius of the Tea Parties Revealed!
  • Incoherence more like. At least at the G20, the protesters seemed to know what they were protesting about. Here, people are throwing around words like fascism and communism about as though they're the same thing, clearly without any idea of how offensive they're being. By all means call someone a socialist -- but at least be able to back that up with some evidence.

  • Scotland Police List Jedi As Religion
  • Lol, rofl, etc. etc.

  • Space is the place for a diverting episode of 'CSI'
  • I've never seen a whole episode of CSI or any of its spin-offs. Or Stargate. And on the subject of 'I've Never Seen Star Wars' type discussions have you seen the one with Nigel Havers yet? Cultural tourism, certainly, but you'll not believe what he did in the name of a low budget BBC Four comedy programme.

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