this week's popular music

  • Right, let's review this week's popular music, according to Radio 1 until I can't stand it any more. Engage Spotify...

  • Yes, I can't understand why Tynchy Stryder is at number one, either. Ironic. Weren't the London Boys doing this kind of thing 15 years ago?
  • Genuinely like La Roux especially the bit which sounds like it was sampled from the loading music of a Commodore 64c cassette game.
  • Calvin Harris is not on Spotify. I am alone.
  • If La Roux is a Commodore 64c, does that make Lady Gaga a Sinclair Spectrum+? Who'll turn out to be an Amstrad CPC?
  • Eminem sounds like it'd be cutting edge about 5 years ago. Which it was. Boils down to being Vogue-like list of celebrities as rap. Um.
  • Still haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire (I know!) I hope it's better than the Pussycat Dolls which samples from it. I miss Cornershop.
  • Oh, so Ciara rhymes with Sierra not Kiora! At least I've learnt something from this pile of doo-doo. All of this music sounds the same.
  • Isn't the CO2 advert on Spotify a massive rip-off of an Armstrong and Millar sketch? Can they sue?
  • Not the best song on I Am Sasha Frieze. I wish Beyonce would choose one thing and stick with it.
  • Wow, a track from an album I own. I love Lily Allen. Not one iota of this is misjudged & as a chorus can properly sing along to. Wow.
  • The Noisette's sounds like the best Eurovision track we never had. Not that we'd win either way.
  • I wonder if Metro Station have also been impacted by the pulling up of the tram network in Manchester. Sounds it.
  • I can't stand any more of this. I'm off to watch a Claude Chabrol film and eat some brioche to reaffirm my elitist credentials.
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