full shape

Film BBC Four is currently in the midst of its Orson Welles season, which includes reruns of the director's fascinating autobiographical Sketchbook series, the first episode of which is sadly missing (see below). Luckily Wellenet has a transcript, in which Welles introduces his concept then gives is recollection of what happened during a stage debut in Dublin:
"This is the Gate Theatre in Dublin. First night audiences are always an experience and in this theatre I faced the very first night audience of all in Dublin, that grand Capitol of eloquence and violent opinion. Where audiences enjoy and delight in the privilege of free speech and you can sometimes hear as much dialogue from the gallery as from the stage itself. Where first nights often end in literal riots and actors have been known to seek police protection from the public they are trying to entertain!"
The post also includes an interview with Me and Orson Welles's Christian McKay, whose won plaudits for his imitation of the director. I wonder if someone could interest him in recording a recreation of this Sketchbook episode to return the series to its full shape.

Update: This isn't missing at all, so he doesn't need to. It was the first one transmitted by BBC Four. Which I'd known if I'd gotten around to watching it already. Here it is on YouTube. The Wellesnet post is a bit confusing because it says that this is the first episode on tv before saying that it's missing. That'll teach me not to read the title of a post. Thanks to Rob for pointing out me idiocy.

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