"arrogance and intransigence"

Theatre Blistering and detailed article that the author wrote for Ralph Fiennes for the production of his new film. Why Coriolanus Matters:
"the world abounds with leaders and military personnel within whom it is possible to recognize aspects of Coriolanus’ character. The arrogance and intransigence of Bush and Blair make them obvious contenders; Mugabe’s (one of many tyrants) flouting of democracy and abdication of rational political responsibility make him another; with their military backgrounds strongmen such as Pervez Musharraf (who in a final rebuke to his enemies before stepping down as president argued he had ‘shed blood for his country in two wars’) and the late General Pinochet are other leaders who incite comparison. Recently, John McCain gained significant political capital from his air force background and a distinct emphasis on aggressive foreign policy combined with a fervent support for the US military at home."
For all that, my favourite aspect of Coriolanus is that he's the Roman General who's ultimately felled, not during battle or his own vanity (though they have a part in it) but by his mother's disapproval. Mum knows best.

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