He was right.

Politics This isn't the most well best thought through comment I've left anywhere (in fact it's rather rambling) but I was prompted to write this on the The Guardian website at this bizarre story:
My journalism tutor in one of his speeches -- he was very big on speeches -- said that within a couple of years of entering the profession he realised that ultimately it didn't matter who was in power because ultimately nobody is perfect which means that the situation will never be perfect.

Sometimes things would be better than usual, sometimes worse. But never perfect.

He was right.

Pick up the average history book, or a very good history book for that matter because there are some of those, and try to find a moment in the country or indeed the world's history when everything was ok. When no one felt hard done by and everyone was happy.

It hasn't happened yet. It may do. I'm an optimist so I think it may do. But not yet.

If Labour are in power, Tories are unhappy. If the Tories are in power Labour tell them that they're doing it wrong. The Lib Dems, as ever, are stuck between the both of them unable to do right from wrong even when they're actually in government for a change in the way that they could only ever be in government under the present political conditions.

If the present government imploded and another general election was called by Christmas and by some chance Labour got back in, can even their own supporters suggest that the country would be fixed, that everything would be sorted out? Well, no, of course not.

I know that in fact having an ideology gives us something to strive for and having something to fight against reminds us that we can be passionate about about something which matters which isn't the continuation of the species and through procreation or saving the environment.

But looking at this list of comments, I wonder whether people realise that nothing of anything we say about politics really matters. In the end.

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