Elsewhere I've reviewed this week's The Sarah Jane Adventures. What I didn't manage to shoe-horn in was that once again in the series we were presented with a character isolated from one or two parents and the break down of a family unit which is ultimately reasserted. Hopefully someone cleverer than me (Frank?) will be able to put some theoretical meat on those bones.


  1. "Theoritcal meat on the those bones" ? Are you all thinking a bit too deep about a kids TV programme ? I look forward to your reviews about Tracy Beaker ;)

  2. Oddly enough, one of the post-graduate degree courses at Manchester Uni uses Balamory to talk about characterisation and narrative progression.

  3. Maybe that proves the dumbing down of university courses ! Bring in the fee rises and weed out the useless degree courses and get people back in to vocational jobs this country needs !
