"consists of a piano, harpist, bass, oboe and drums"

TV Phil Norman considers the Crossroads theme:
"The opening sting [...] takes no prisoners – that nine-note phrase for doorbell guitar that always sounds like it's going out of tune. You want avant garde? The rest of the orchestra, instead of rising as one man and turfing the jangly Judas out on his ear, try to “play around” him as if nothing's amiss. Seeing as this “orchestra” consists of a piano, harpist, bass, oboe and drums, is probably just as well they don't kick up a fuss, as they're hardly in a position to talk. But it somehow, madly, works, the stately oboe carried along by the prissily brisk percussion like Amy Turtle holding her head nobly aloft in search of gossip as she pushes her rattling trolley down the corridors. Everything about this music is so unabashedly, defiantly wrong it's hard not to come away from it thinking that perhaps the real problem is with the rest of music as a whole."
Call me a heretic but I much prefer the one for Crossroads: King's Oak.  But I also used to sing along to the theme to Star Trek: Enterprise which was somehow rendered even more awful in later series by the introduction of an uptempo beat.

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