"I had girls' jeans on"

Sub-Cultures The Isthmus reports that academia has been plunging into the question of what defines a hipster and inevitably a marketing professor is involved:
One of Arsel's interview subjects, Chris, declares consumer sovereignty: "I don't try to keep up with it. If I was sitting here right now, and I had girls' jeans on and a funky haircut and was drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon all the time and getting import copies of Swedish psychobilly folk noise pop, whatever the hell, and reading David Sedaris and watching obscure Samurai-trash-cult movies...I wouldn't even feel like a real person anymore."
I was reading Sedaris yesterday and cut my own hair today. Almost there. Now, that reminds me. I was going to see if the Chateau Neuf Spelemannslag was sill available on import.

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