In time for the anniversary

That Day Deep breath. In time for the anniversary, The Internet Archive has posted an archive of news television coverage of 9/11 from the opening moments through to September 17th. Even glancing at the grid system for the day brings back the horrible memories, but as a historical social document this could prove to be very important.

Even a quick look at the BBC World feed reveals the newscaster repeating reports (before the towers fell) that someone thought that they'd heard an explosion from inside, a detail which has been jumped on by conspiracy theorists ever since and dismissed as showing how we as human always try to make reconstruct the information our senses give us especially in alien situations.

My experience of the events were via BBC News 24.  I seem to remember Carrie Gracie happened to be on alone that shift and I always remember how calmly she worked to piece together the incoming news wires no matter how shocking the images which were appearing on monitors in the studio.  We'll talk some more about this on the day I suspect, but needless to say only visit if you really think you can handle the onrush [via].

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