Classic Marlowe and Shakespeare BBC Radio series, Vivat Rex, repeated on Radio 4 Extra starting tomorrow.

Astonishingly amazing news:
"Vivat Rex is an epic 26 part drama following the English Crown from Edward II's accession in 1307 to the birth of Elizabeth I. It is told through the adapted works of Shakespeare, Marlowe and other playwrights of the period. Narrated by Richard Burton, it has a celebrated cast including John Hurt, Michael Redgrave and Derek Jacobi. The programme starts Monday at 10am on Radio 4 Extra."
While the main thrust of the series is a run of Shakespeare's history plays ala An Age of Kings, it begins with the rarely recorded and certainly unavailable Edward II by Marlowe and what must be Edward III as co-written by Shakespeare.

More about it here in this two year old post at The Stage which also has an old publicity photo of Burton, a microphone and a crown.  .

Should also be available to listen to via the BBC's programme pages.

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