"a Banco do Brasil building"

Art Anthony Gormley's installation piece Event Horizon places a few dozen of his burnt nude sculptures (not unlike those in Another Place on Crosby Beach) on rooftops across a city, like angels watching over the crowds below. Their appearance in San Paulo as part of a new retrospective has unnerved the population:
"The police were here a few days ago because they received calls that a man was going to jump from a building," said Carol Menezes, a receptionist at a Banco do Brasil building where one of the statues sits on a roof 25 stories above the sidewalk. "It's interesting, creative. I was surprised when I first saw it. I guess it's art, so many strange things are so why not this?"
The installation originally appeared in London in 2007 but these images of the new iteration from Wired are especially arresting.  ArtLyst has a longer piece about the whole show.

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