How long Jenna-Louise?!?

TV With the cancellation of Doctor Who Confidential, podcasts commentaries and the lack of long post-broadcast discursive set visit articles from Benjamin Cook in Doctor Who Magazine, until the Andrew Pixley specials, we fans are having snatch lumps of proper behind the scenes production stuff where we can. There are the what what amount to cut-cut-cut-cut down episodes of Confidential on the BBC website, but it's from BBC America that we find the latest titbit:

The whole thing is worth watching, but here's the key quote, from Jenna-Louise:

"Because we had a new TARDIS built, I actually was on the job for about four months before I got to work on it."

Well, that sounds like scheduling nightmare. It's all we're given but I expect how we could interpret this is Jenna-Louise filmed episode upon episode, masses of footage gathered and then they went back towards the end of the schedule and shot the TARDIS scenes and filled in the gaps.

So although Sunday's Hide was the second thing she shot, the first with Matt (Asylum was apparently first altogether), all of the TARDIS scenes were shot much, much later.  Which makes her work on that episode all the more remarkable because the shift between the two is seamless.

The implications of this are interesting for reviewers, because before this, we all assumed that an actor turned up to give their performance all in one go and comment on that (and most did at the weekend).  Now we know that the filming structure is much more akin to a film.

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