Fran Giffard's A Parliament of Drawings.

Plug! As some of you know, I tend to get dozens of PR emails a day most of which are obviously from people who've simply added me to a list and haven't bothered to check the blog to see what it's actually about. Every now and then someone obviously has, like Fran, and I always make a point of posting them. As she surmises I won't be able to make her private view, but perhaps you will:
Dear Stuart,

My name is Fran Giffard and I am an artist. I graduated from Camberwell College of Art where I studied drawings in 2010. I have a solo exhibition opening on the 20th of June, called A Parliament of Drawings. I will be exhibiting at Northcote Gallery, 253 King's Road. I would like to invite you to the private view, on the evening of the 20th. I realise you are in Liverpool, but I wanted to send you an invitation just in case you were in London. If you would be able to mention my exhibition in your blog, I would be most grateful. If you know anyone who might like my work, please extend to them my invitation.

All details are in the invitation and artist statement below.

All the best


Artist Statement - A Parliament of Drawings

Artist Fran Giffard has long been captivated by the intricate beauty of natural illustrations, and over the last two years she has begun to amass an incredible body of ornithology-inspired artwork. Fran started to work directly into her personal Moleskine diaries using aquarelle, gouache and graphite pencil, capturing the wonder of exotic and more commonplace birds. The result is a vivid collection of work with an intriguing personal slant. A Parliament of Drawings exhibits Fran's Moleskine drawings, along with her latest collections of Blossom and Ring drawings. There is an emphasis on numbers and ornithological collective nouns throughout the exhibition.
I should add that I like what's here, especially the Chaucerian reference.

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