He's back and it's about thirty-three pounds.

Audio If today's post about Doctor Who's Storm Warning has peaked your interest, you might like to know that both of the Eighth Doctor's classic first two seasons have now been heavily discounted by Big Finish permanently to £2.99 each for download. Here's a list for convenience:

Season One:

Storm Warning
Sword of Orion
The Stones of Blood
Minuet in Hell

Season Two:

Invaders from Mars
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
Embrace The Darkness
The Time of the Daleks

Season Three


... and then we're back up to full price again, barring the odd sale.  But £33 pounds for the above still ranks as a massive bargain, especially since many of us bought them for £13.99 each originally.

If you need some convincing, most of them were authored by writers who would go on to work on the new series, and there are some stone cold classics in there (The Chimes of Midnight, especially).

Warning.  I introduced these to a friend a couple of years ago and she became addicted to Big Finish, I think.  They can do that to you.

With that in mind, here's the rest of the fifty clustered into "chronological" order...

Fifth Doctor


Fifth Doctor & Nyssa

The Land of the Dead
Winter for the Adept
The Mutant Phase
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty

Fifth Doctor & Turlough


Fifth Doctor & Peri

Red Dawn

Fifth Doctor, Peri & Erimen

The Eye of the Scorpion
The Church and the Crown

Sixth Doctor & Peri

Whispers of Terror

Sixth Doctor


Sixth Doctor & Frobisher

The Holy Terror

Sixth Doctor & Evelyn

The Marian Conspiracy
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
The Apocalypse Element
Project: Twilight
The Sandman
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Project: Lazarus

Sixth Doctor & Mel

The One Doctor

Seventh Doctor & Mel

The Fires of Vulcan

Seventh Doctor & Ace

The Fearmonger
The Genocide Machine
Dust Breeding
The Rapture

Seventh Doctor, Ace & Bernice

The Shadow of the Scourge
The Dark Flame

Seventh Doctor

The Master

Fifth, Sixth & Seventh Doctors.

The Sirens of Time

.. which was the first and on reflection, a great place to start.

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