oxygen tent

Travel Diary from the highest bike ride in the world. On the highway from Manali to Leh:
"After some hair-raising downhill that tested our riding abilities, our bikes, their braking abilities and all else, we reached Pang, which plays host to the highest army transit camp, anywhere in the world. It was desolate and one wanted to get out of it, quickly. But it was our night stay and the huts made available to us were the best equipped of all places so far. It even had a satellite TV in the huts.

"Having been starved of any news and all else for several days, I promptly turned on the news channels. There was something about Tunda and Hamid Gul and this and that and I found myself switching it off in under 3 minutes. I was happy with my tough physical and mental challenges, and also the tougher challenges that lay ahead. They were still simpler and less complicated than politics and geo-politics and all else. I was surprised, but not perturbed at how I was so dismissive of things that would have been my staple diet at work. I was happier once the TV was switched off."

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