Accidentally Winifred Street.

Liverpool Life For the love of Winifred Street. Jen Allison on the history and memory of one of Liverpool's most obscure geographic locations, the result of a regeneration project:
"During all of that destruction, one tiny, touching act of creation happened. At the mouth to Winifred Street a hand-painted sign appeared, white on black, declaring the road’s name in thick, rounded letters. A small white heart preceded the name. It declared that here, amidst the destruction, stands somewhere loved. Welcome to Winifred Street.

"That tiny white hand-painted heart touched me every time I passed. It never failed to make me smile and gladden my heart. I wondered who painted the sign? Who had loved that little street enough to make their public declaration? And who had had to leave that street for the last time knowing that their home was to be destroyed?"
Then she has her answer...

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