No More Weeping.

Theatre Watching the twitterbituaries for Rik in which everyone seemed to have met him at some stage, I flippantly tweeted that I hadn't met him.

 Then a few hours later realised that if I hadn't actually met him, I had seem him and Ade in Waiting for Godot during my A-Levels, when our English group minibused down to London from Liverpool for their production.

 Sat near the back of the theatre it was difficult to see much of their performance, but I always remembered the set (which I now realise was designed by Derek Jarman!) and how they reacted off script to one audience member and his very power laugh.

 Imagine my surprise to find now that Channel 4 Daily's rather sober Box Office slot covered the production and filmed the double act in character.

 Find above this astonishing piece of archive and as a bonus, below, a publicity interview from Tonight With Jonathan Ross:

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