The editing of Apollo 11.

Film Fascinating interview with Todd Douglas Miller, the director of new film Apollo 11, which goes into some detail about the editing process:
" The first order of business was working with Robert [Pearlman] as our independent chief historian, Stephen Slater, who was our archive producer, and putting together a nine day version of the film. We really want you to look at every single second of the mission which spanned nine days—eight days and some change. All told, it spanned nine days—to look at every available still image—whether it was 16mm 35mm large format, TV broadcasts, and links, we wanted to see all of it. Of course, all the audio, too. That was a real tedious way to do it but we need to know exactly what was all out there not only to educate ourselves but also we had so much new material. We needed to see where things lined up and where the holes were and what we could do with those."
Apollo mission fans like me are clearly look at that and salivating at the idea of a nine day long version of the film version in which the action occurs in something akin to real time. Though of course to an extent it will be quite tedious with plenty of repetition. But this methodology has worked wonders. The great strength of the theatrical release (which I saw today) is that it shows the familiar event with unfamiliar footage at unusual angles.

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