Not Christmas Links #10

Thoughts on…Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks (1967 and 2021):
"I made a conscious decision about three decades ago to try and not find out much about the missing Doctor Who stories on the grounds that it would be great if they turned up and I could watch them as new."

"Soon after the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, senior leaders of the National Rifle Association huddled on a conference call to consider canceling their annual convention, scheduled just days later and a few miles away."

[Editor's note: this Spotify playlist is completely mislabelled.  The subheading says, "Embrace your secret favorites" even though it includes such things as Dancing Queen, I Will Survive and Mr. Blue Sky.  It's the track listing for most Bauer Radio stations.]

"The Wellington-based studio built characters and scenes for films including Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Wonder Woman and Planet of the Apes."

"An original Apple computer built by firm co-founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976 has fetched $400,000 (£294,990) at auction in the US."

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